About the Ape

Former Marine.
Former roofer.
Former technical writer.
Former political activist.

Translation: I have a low tolerance for bullshit.
Problem: We have too much bullshit in America.
Solution: Reason. Rational and honest discussion. Fact-based solutions. Acting like a wise nation for a change.

We have a model for doing that. It's called science. Now, I don't mean we need to switch to a science-ocracy or anything like that. I mean that We the People need to adopt a more scientific attitude toward our politics. In the 21st century we rely on technological civilization for our survival. If we're going to help decide how to run that civilization, don't you think we should understand it a bit? We need to be careful where and how we get our data. We need to see every new law for what it is, an experiment. We need to judge the results of those laws with ruthless clarity.

Dwight Eisenhower said that politics should be the part-time profession of every citizen. Here in the America of the future, I think the same goes for science, because getting better at science makes America a better nation.

And making America a better nation is what the Speculating Ape is about.

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