31 May 2015

The Heart of Conservatism

Old picture of family dining in front of a house.

Ever since the internet was monochrome, I've been discussing politics online. Most of that time I spent doing what I called "stomping leftist grapes", or telling Democrats how wrong they were. In all the time since then, I haven't changed much. I've been a secular American conservative all along and proud of it.

Starting with the big change in the Republican Party in 2007, I was no longer "conservative enough" for the wave of dittoheads and Tea Party phonies who were becoming the new face of the GOP. Since then, even though my politics haven't really changed, I've been routinely labeled a liberal or even a socialist in online discussions.

What's weird about this is that none of the people calling me a liberal can even begin to explain what conservatism is about or why it's necessary for a healthy society. For them, "liberal" has become the new "nigger", and they seem to think that all you have to do to call yourself conservative is to hate liberals. This amuses me on a number of levels.

So let me lay out again for the dittoheads and Tea Party phonies what conservatism is really about.

30 May 2015

How Bad Should I Feel About Being Texan?

Pictures of flood relief efforts, inclduing Red Cross, Salvation Army, and Texan Car Wash

After the recent series of floods here in Texas, and after our some of our politicians flip-flopped from saying the federal government can't be trusted to saying that the federal government should help Texas, there's been a lot of predictable laughter about the deep hypocrisy being shown.

My reaction has been mixed. I'm not that crazy about Texas, and I'm appalled at the low quality of some of the politicians who represent the state. On the other hand, I live here, and I've been talking to people who suffered from the floods.

The mockery I've seen online seems justifiable and despicable at the same time.

28 May 2015

A Lesson From the Duggar Defenders

Picture of man with an angry face and a happy face.

Years ago, in Southern California, I was driving near work when some bone-headed idiot nearly hit me. I cheerfully sprang into action, flipping him the bird, and screaming curses. Even though this stupid piece of human refuse was the one at fault, he started cursing and gesturing back. Full on road-rage was about to ensue!

Then we got a good look at each other. It was a guy I worked with. We recognized each other at the same time and froze mid-gesture.

As fast as the rage came, it melted away. We kind of sheepishly waved at each other and drove on.

Sometimes we react differently to friends than we would to a stranger.

27 May 2015

Global Warming and Do-Nothing Republicans

Sun-parched sediment is all that's left by drought in this lake.
Photo of drought-parched field in Arkansas.
Photograph by Tim McCabe courtesy of US Department of Argiculture.

Solving any problem requires a few basic steps.

1. Understand the problem.
2. Identify a workable solution.
3. Implement the solution.
4. Test the results to be sure you fixed the problem.

When it comes to anthropogenic global warming, we understand the problem pretty well. Humanity's carbon dioxide emissions have changed the composition of the atmosphere enough to increase the amount of heat the planet retains. Continuing to emit CO2 will cause further warming, and that's going to disrupt the climate.

Nobody still disputes the problem except the Republican/Tea Party and their media allies, and their opinions no longer matter, because their opinions don't correlate well with reality.

19 May 2015

Texas Legislature Chickens Out

Excerpt from the first Texas state Constitution. "All political power is inherent in the people..."

Thanks to the work of many activists in this state and some courageous legislators, a number of bills related to marijuana legalization were introduced in Texas in this year's legislative session. Unfortunately, few of them seem likely to be passed in the few days remaining before the legislators adjourn for the year.

One bill, SB 339, has already passed the state Senate, and, if I understand the process, will be on its way to Governor Abbott for his signature. According to the Texas House Research Organization:

05 May 2015

ISIS Claims Credit, Garland PD Earns It

Garland Police Department tri-badge over picture of ISIS activities

If you missed the story, here's what happened. Some idiot decided to hold a Mohammed drawing contest in Garland, Texas. Two other idiots decided to start shooting. The idiots were killed before they did anything except wound a security guard. ISIS is claiming credit for getting two idiots killed for no good reason.

I've seen a couple of general reactions to this incident. On one hand, there are the people speaking out against provoking Muslims by drawing Mohammed. On the other hand, there are people who seem to think this was the first battle in the war to take back America from the Muslims.

My first reaction is that I'm glad to see the cops shooting people who are actually armed for a change. In this case, they did their duty well.

01 May 2015

Can We Drop the Pledge Now?

Old picture of schoolchildren reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
School children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Image credit: Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons.

I never liked the Pledge of Allegiance. I like it even less with every passing day.

Some low-brow, pseudo-patriotic pricks will already be taking offense, because they're too stupid to know the difference between empty words and meaningful actions. They're too stupid to understand that true patriotism is defined by how you live your life, not by the words you chant.

The Pledge is the verbal equivalent of pinning an American flag pin on your lapel. Saying the Pledge or wearing a flag pin says only that you want other people to think you're patriotic. If you saw someone wearing a lapel pin that says "I'm honest", would you think that person is really honest? I wouldn't. I'd suspect that he's going to try to sell me some bullshit.