30 April 2014

Minutemen versus Bundy

The Minuteman movement was mentioned on the internet recently in one of those "where are they now?" stories.

For those who don't remember, the Minutemen were a group of people, or more precisely a group of groups, who wanted to secure America's southern border and get rid of the illegal immigrants in this country, and who took direct action to try to force the government to comply.

A big problem for the Minutemen is that even though there's a legitimate case to be made for securing the border and getting rid of the illegal immigrants, the cause has a racial component, especially along the southern border. Even if the core of the movement is not racist, it's the kind of activity that will attract racists. I know. I met some of them.

That gave the Minutemen an image problem with some people. Others could see the bigger picture but disagreed with the Minutemen's conclusions. Nevertheless, the Minutemen tried to be lawful in their protest against the federal government, and that puts them in sharp contrast with another case of people acting against the feds.

28 April 2014

How's that Republican Rebranding Going?

Unless I misremember recent history, the Republican Party said a while back that it needs to rebrand itself. Looks like they finally accomplished the mission in ironic fashion when Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy burned his Circle Idiot brand deep into the GOP's hide.

The first rule of deceptive communication, whether it's the mild deception of marketing or the intense deception of propaganda is don't believe your own bullshit. There's a good reason for that. To be effective, deceptive communication has to have some correlation with reality. It's those tiny links to reality that give the deceptive part of the message an air of plausibility.

If you start believing your own bullshit, you lose those links to reality. Not only does your message lose plausibility, it also gets weirder. Instead of creating a fiction that's grounded in reality, you create a fiction that's grounded in a fiction that's grounded in a fiction.

In other words, you go loony.

25 April 2014

Can We Have the Old Conservatism Back Now?

Now that the Tea Party/talk radio crowd has all but killed American conservatism, can we get try to revive it?

The Nevada standoff led by Deadbeat Bundy and His Rowdy Cowgirls shows just how morally and intellectually screwed up conservatism has become. Now, there are some genuine human rights abuses in our nation, some genuine big-government problems.  Attacking such abuses is one of claimed goals of the Tea Party types.

But the Tea Party lives in a different reality, a world defined by the imaginations of radio entertainers and the sales pitches of politicians. They're oblivious to real examples of out of control government, like the massively expensive, rights-crushing failure of the war on drugs. Instead, they pick a different victim.  At least, he looked like a victim to the talk-radio conservatives. How'd it turn out?

15 February 2014

Rand Paul and the "New" GOP

According to the internet, Rand Paul has some new ideas on revitalizing the Republican Party.
Rand Paul’s Prediction About Future Presidential Elections May Frighten Half the Country

The new ideas are the same ones that have been floating around since the party autopsy report after the 2012 election. The GOP needs better advertising so it can appeal to more voters.

Here's a genuine conservative idea. Instead of making a "new" GOP, why don't we go back to the one that almost worked? Why don't we fix the party by undoing the changes made since 2008?

Let's review the history. In 1994, Republicans won control of Congress, but Democrats still held the presidency. In 2000, we got what we had been working toward, effective control of the government. That's when things began to go wrong.

Under the Bush administration we saw tax cuts, but we saw nothing else the GOP had promised America. All the grand talk about limited government went out the window. All pretense of fiscal responsibility vanished as Republicans began to out-pork-barrel the Democrats. The science denial movement finally got national political support.