29 March 2016

It Berns, But Not in a Good Way

Bernie Sanders marching

Is Bernie Sanders my best choice?

I sat out the 2008 election. I couldn't bring myself to vote for either McCain or Obama. The 2012 election wasn't that bad. Obama had turned out not to be the socialist destroyer some people thought he was, and Romney was a classic example of a rich dickhead. Voting against Romney wasn't hard to do.

Now I'm feeling like sitting out again. The GOP has built itself into a party-first marketing organization that doesn't practice any of the principles it claims to champion. Hillary Clinton is a packaged, scripted politician who waits for others to clear the road before she jumps in front and pretends to be leading. As for Sanders, I kind of like the guy, but he seems like the classic problematic progressive. He thinks that having good ideas and good intentions is enough, but it's not.

Fuck the Revolutionaries

Costumed protesters

America's a drama queen nation that likes to dress up and play make-believe. A couple of sociopolitical movements highlight the problem.

Tea Partiers and Social Justice Warriors Are the Same People
One of America's drama-queen movements is the Tea Party. They like to see themselves as revolutionaries. They dress up in revolutionary costumes and chant revolutionary slogans, and they seem to consider themselves to be a group of noble people ready to fight to the death to support the most noble causes.

Another drama-queen movement consists of social justice warriors. They also like to see themselves as revolutionaries. They have a different costume aesthetic than the Tea Party, but they still love a good costume, and they have their own revolutionary language and slogans. Of course, they too think they're a group of noble people ready to fight to the death to support the most noble causes.