30 April 2014

Minutemen versus Bundy

The Minuteman movement was mentioned on the internet recently in one of those "where are they now?" stories.

For those who don't remember, the Minutemen were a group of people, or more precisely a group of groups, who wanted to secure America's southern border and get rid of the illegal immigrants in this country, and who took direct action to try to force the government to comply.

A big problem for the Minutemen is that even though there's a legitimate case to be made for securing the border and getting rid of the illegal immigrants, the cause has a racial component, especially along the southern border. Even if the core of the movement is not racist, it's the kind of activity that will attract racists. I know. I met some of them.

That gave the Minutemen an image problem with some people. Others could see the bigger picture but disagreed with the Minutemen's conclusions. Nevertheless, the Minutemen tried to be lawful in their protest against the federal government, and that puts them in sharp contrast with another case of people acting against the feds.

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy owes we the people a lot of money, and he's had years of pampered due process and leniency from the government without having to pay it. When the government finally began seizing some of Bundy's cattle to settle his debts, a bunch of armed people showed up and threatened the government agents.

Some people see Bundy and his supporters as patriots in the same mold as the Minutemen, but there are some critical differences.

The Minutemen are American citizens.
Bundy is not an American citizen, since he doesn't recognize America. Presumably this applies to his henchmen too.

The Minutemen are fighting for the rule of law.
Bundy rejects state law, federal law, the Bible, and the basic moral precepts of Western civilization.

The Minutemen criticize the government but cooperate with the Border Patrol.
Bundy and his henchmen threatened to kill Bureau of Land Management agents.

The Minutemen put themselves on the line.
Bundy's henchmen were planning to send the women in first.

The Minutemen were fighting to preserve our nation.
Bundy and his henchmen are fighting to abolish it.

The Minutemen were motivated by principles.
Bundy is motivated by greed.

The Minutemen have a right to wave the flag over their camps.
Bundy and his henchmen disgraced the flag.

You might not like the Minutemen. A lot of people don't. But in the end they had good motivations and they behaved like civilized people, and they deserve some respect for that, especially now that we've seen the alternative approach with Cliven Bundy and his anti-American, anti-civilization, warlord tactics.

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