15 October 2016

Who Are You Going to Kill?

United States Marine Private First Class Forrest M. Turner, Jr. provides security as Sikorsky CH-53 helicopters land at the Defense Attaché Office compound. Military helicopters dropped the ground security component at landing zones. Once on the ground they set up security positions.
Photo courtesy U.S. Marines in Japan via Wikimedia Commons
 Photographer Dirck Halstead

I've been trying to avoid thinking too harshly about Americans who support Donald Trump for president. I think it's the worst choice this year, but I can kinda understand it.

But some of you, including your candidate, have been making noises like maybe you want to end the American system and replace it with something else. Some of you are talking about violent revolution if this election doesn't give you the results you want. That I fully understand, because by training and nature, I'm sensitive to threats to the republic.

Now I know some of you will disagree with my characterization. It's not about getting the results you want, you'll say. it's about fighting corruption. Or maybe you'll say that you don't want to tear down the American system, you just want to fix it. Whatever. This definitional dissonance doesn't relate to my question. My question is:

Who are you planning to kill?

I hear your leader describe the media, or at least the part that thinks he's a nut, as corrupt. I assume you think the media sources who support Trump are all paragons of truth and objectivity, so you'll only be killing people you deem to be part of the liberal media. Which people exactly?

Are you just planning to kill opinion writers? Are you going to kill reporters too, or maybe just the reporters you think are guilty of a crime? Meteorologists? Do you have a list of bloggers whose lives you want to end forever? Are you going after cartoonists like the Muslims do? Can we at least all agree that people who deliver papers shouldn't be targeted for extermination, or do you want to kill them too?

What about politicians? Which of them do you plan to kill? I know we have to speak in general terms here so your targets aren't alerted, but maybe we can narrow it down. Are you only going to shoot, stab, or lynch just Democrats? Are you going to spill the blood of any Republican you deem guilty of felony RINOism? Is it just federal politicians on your list, or are you thinking about killing a few state and local officials?

Come on, admit it. Some of you are thinking about killing your mayor.

Who else are you good people wanting to see die before your eyes? I know you'll kill anyone who looks Muslim. What about blacks? Mexicans? Atheists? Anyone who looks gay? Are you going to kill people who seem a little too educated? You know, like the Khmer Rouge did.

But what really has me curious is what are you going to do with the police? See, you people make noises like you're the part of America that stands up for law and order and wants the police to be safe and respected. Right? This is a big part of your leader's pitch. But you're planning a bloody revolution, and it's not clear how this would play out. Obviously you'd let any cop who joins you remain alive. But if you run into a cop who resists your kill-Americans agenda, do you gun him down? In the name of law and order?

I'm just guessing here, but I'd guess the filter you plan to apply to this situation is: "Blues lives that agree with me matter. The rest are just reactive targets." Is that close?

I'm also interested in  how you plan to do all these killings. You just gonna kick down doors and start shooting? Or do you have some plans for street executions? Are you going to capture those executions on video, so you can share the memories with friends and family in later years? "And here's where we set the weather girl on fire."

Oh, there's another question I almost forgot. When you kill a cop, a reporter, or a politician, are you going to kill their family too? I know your leader thinks that's a good idea sometimes, so it seems reasonable to assume that when you kill someone in support your Great American Cleansing, you will also kill their children, maybe even their parents and pets.

I'd love to hear some details about who is on your kill list and how you plan to do the killing. You know, to help me decide who to vote for.

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